The Homepage for the User Registration Website


Introduction.  Remember we want to develop certain functionalities for our users when they visit our website.
  • add themselves to the registered users
  • delete themselves as a registered user
  • modify their stats as a registered user
  • display some information about other registered users

Remember, we will be making use of MySQL for our database operations and since MySQL still lacks stored procedures the database operations will be written in SQL within our PHP pages.

The homepage will be a simple page with links called user_registration_home.html.


<title>Home Page for User Registration - PHP and MySQL</title>

<body bgcolor = "003344" text="cccccc" link="00aacc" vlink="007799">
<center><h2>Home Page for Users</h2></center>
<table align="center" width=600 cellpadding=5>
<td align="right" width=300><font size = 4>Display Details on All Users</font>
<td align="left" width=300><a href="display_user_registration.php"><font size = 4><b>Display Users</b></font></a>
<td align="right" width=300><font size = 4>Add Yourself to the Site</font>
<td align="left" width=300><a href="add_user.html"><font size = 4><b>Add User</b></font></a>
<td align="right" width=300><font size = 4>Modify Your Profile</font>
<td align="left" width=300><a href="modify_user.html"><font size = 4><b>Modify User</b></font></a>
<td align="right" width=300><font size = 4>Delete Your Profile Permanently</font>
<td align="left" width=300><a href="delete_user.html"><font size = 4><b>Delete User</b></font></a>



The page should look like the following.



It provides the basic functionality we are looking for.  The layout can be changed to suit your desires and personal preferences.