Provisioning WANs


Background.  This will be a quickie little page about WAN provisioning to be embellished later.

WAN bandwidth is often provisioned in the US and other countries using the features outlined in the following table.  A DS - digital stream or multiplexing of digital streams is used to actually move traffic across lines.  A DS0 is a 64 kbps stream.  DS0s are multiplexed to create the higher order streams found in the table.


Line Type Region Signal Standard Number of DS0s Bit Rate
T1 North America and parts of Asia DS1 24 1.544 Mbps
T3 North America and parts of Asia DS3 672 44.736 Mbps
J1 Japan Y1 30 2.048 Mbps
E1 Europe and most of the rest of the world 2M 30 2.048 Mbps
E3 Europe and most of the rest of the world M3 480 34.064 Mbps