Network Design & Implementation




Dale R. "Zai" Fox, Ph.D.



Office Hours:

2:00 - 2:50 PM Monday, Wednesday
5:30 - 6:30 PM Wednesday, Thursday
or by appointment





Diane Teare, CCDA Self-Study: Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions (DESGN), CISCO Press, 2004.

Important Reference: Wheat, Hiser, Tucker, Neely and McCullough, Designing a Wireless Network, Syngress, 2002.

Toby Velte & Anthony Velte, CISCO: A Beginner's Guide, 3rd Edition, Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 2004.


Grades will be based on four design projects. 

  • Each project will be worth 25% of your grade.


This course assumes you have some  background in computer networking.  You should have taken CIS 640 or something equivalent.  Though, it may be possible to ignore the prerequisite if you have worked pretty extensively with networking.

Description: This course will focus on the design and implementation of networks.  While the text and most of the course will emphasize using CISCO products we will also examine other major product lines such as 3Com, Nortel, Juniper Networks and Redback.  It is also intended that this course will contribute towards passing the CISCO CCDA certification.
Homework Case Studies: The case studies and projects that will be used for grading are based on the following four organizations.  The following links contain important background about the organizations.

The Archaelus Fund

Lünc Geothermal Systems

IAIS - The Institute for American Indian Studies

Hawk's Wing Saitu

Crazy Silly's Video Stores

These background discussions will be enhanced and improved as necessary.

Some efforts will be made to also develop a case that requires some more WAN sorts of developments across a county or region.  But this is still in the works and it is unclear what we will study within the course in order to justify this sort of case.

Cases: Link to Networking Cases


Weekly Topic Coverage


Week 1

Technology Review
LAN Network Specification
WAN Network Specifications
Hubs and Switches
Access Servers

Week 2

Some Big Issues in an Administrative Domain


Analyzing Performance of Network Components

Characterizing the Existing Network
Steps in Gathering Data on the Existing Network
Determining New Customer Requirements
Anticipating Future Network Traffic

Homework 1

Week 3

Hierarchical Network Design
Providing Redundancy and Load Balancing in Designs
Designing to Enhance Security
Major Problems Solved with Internetworking Devices
10Mbps Ethernet Design Rules
100Mbps Ethernet Design Rules
Token Ring and FDDI Design Rules

Week 4

Wireless Design

Homework 2

Week 5

Business Implications of Designs

Week 6

IP Addressing and Its Implications


Week 7

Week 8 Wireless Design
A Wireless Design Process
Some Wireless Design Principles
Week 9  
Week 10  
Week 11 Some Background on Routing Protocols
Some Routing Protocol Characteristics and Scalability

Some Important Router Software Features
Selecting a Network Strategy
SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol

Homework 3

Week 12 Writing a Design Document
Building a Prototype
Week 13 Basic WAN Types and Design Considerations
Router Switching Modes
Provisioning WANs
Provisioning Frame Relay
IP Addressing

Private Addressing and Network Address Translation
Week 14 VPN Capabilities
Different Remote Access Capabilities





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