VPN Security and Performance
VPN Security has three main components. Together these
ensure the private aspect VPN.
Performance. VPN Performance issues can be classified as those which apply to all VPNs and those that apply to specific implementations. Issues about its availability are always a concern, considering some of the instabilities inherent in the Internet itself. This is also true at the level of ISPs. Heavy traffic can also greatly impact performance, considering the extra connectedness and encryption involved in the processing. The overhead involved in VPNs can result in overall diminishment of performance. Establishing circuits requires more effort and committal of resources. VPN Types. VPNs can be implemented based more on hardware or software, though both will be involved to some extent in all implementations. Software based implementations include the use of tunneling protocols like we have previously mentioned. Many third party systems work directly off of established server operating systems. Some of these products are listed below.
Hardware based implementations are developed by a number of companies such as the following.
VPN support is built into Cisco routers as well as those of other companies. Hardware based VPNs can generally be categorized into two types.