Client Side Scripting with JavaScript



Dale R. "Zai" Fox, Ph.D.



Office Hours:

4:00 - 4:50 PM  Monday and Wednesday
5:30 - 6:20 PM  Thursday
or by appointment





Thau,  The Book of JavaScript: A Practical Guide to Interactive Web Pages, SAMS, 2000.  

Recommended Reference: Flanagan, JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, O'Reilly


Four homework assignments and two tests.  The homework assignments will count for half of your grade.  The tests will count for the other half of your grade.  The grades within each of these segments will be equally weighted.  This implies that each test will count for 25% of your overall grade.  It also implies that each homework will count for 12.5% of your overall grade.

As usual, homework that is turned in late within 24 hours after the due date will receive an automatic 5 point deduction.  Homework that is late more than a day, but received within 3 days will receive an automatic 10 point deduction.  Homework that is more than three days late but less than a week late will receive an automatic 15 point deduction.  Any homework turned in more than a week late will receive an automatic 25 point deduction.

Background: This course assumes you know how to develop a web using either HTML or some sort of WYSIWYG environment such as FrontPage, DreamWeaver or Go Live.
Description: This course will focus on what can be done 
  • within script 
  • within a web page
  • on the client's computer

to improve the functionality and performance of web pages.  We will focus on JavaScript, because it is most universal.

Required Software: You need Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla in order to test your JavaScript and HTML.  While developing script that works as desired in more than one type of browser can be a major challenge, it is very important.  If at some time later in life you choose to become the mind numb love slave of some major corporation's web view it will be your choice.  At present, we want to educate you to be able to work across platforms as much as reasonable.

In addition, you want some sort of textpad, notepad program to help you develop your files.  It will likely be nice if you have better basic functionality than what is available in NotePad, but even that would suffice.  I will work in Macromedia/Allaire Homesite.  You could also work in FrontPage.

You are also going to need some sort of FTP software to load your webpages to the web.  You can use CuteFTP which is available at Globalscape for around $40 or WS_FTP or SmartFTP are sometimes available for free.  You should check out  Internet Explorer also has its own FTP capabilities built in.  While you can work in more sophisticated ways, I will use FTP as the major approach for file transfer for several reasons.

Course Content: The weekly topic coverage below lists out specific topics, but we will focus on the client side of web programming.



Weekly Topic Coverage


Week 1

Some Background on JavaScript
Using Variables 
The Alert and Prompt Built-In Functions
The Date/Time Built-In Functions

Week 2

Browser  - Navigator Properties and Functions
Decision Statements and Some Page Redirection
Homework 1

Week 3

Link Events
Adjusting Images Using onClick Link Events
Link and Image Rollovers
Preloading and Swapability

Week 4

Window Methods and Properties
Opening Windows
Doing More With Windows

Week 5

User Defined Functions
Passing and Returning Information with Functions
A More Sophisticated Example

Week 6

Events Related to Forms
Getting Information from Forms
Putting Information onto Forms
A Quick Find Navigation Drop Down Menu
Homework 2

Suggested Form Layouts

Week 7

While and For Loops
Some Processing with Internal Built-In Arrays
User Defined Arrays
Associative Arrays

Week 8

Timing Events: Clocks and Counters
Determining the Time Since and Time Remaining
Timed Slide Shows
Homework 3

Suggested Form Layouts

Week 9

Frame Basics
Frames and JavaScript Basics
Image Swaps in Frames
Image Swaps and Rollovers in Tables
Week 10 Form Validation and Required Inputs
Some Background on String Operations
Validating Social Security Numbers
Validating E-Mail Addresses
Search and Replace
Homework 4
Week 11 Developing Look Ahead and Navigation Features in Webs
Added Info During Rollover

Some Basics on Image Maps
Creating a Rollover Popup Menu System Using Image Maps
Week 12

Validating Credit Card Input

Week 13

Setting and Reading Cookies
Setting a Cookie's Expiration

Week 14  



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