A Bit About Installing Java


Introduction.  Getting an SDK - System Development Toolkit installed from Java can seem like you are running through a labyrinth.  So I will try to outline the major steps.  These are not the only steps that will work, but they have worked for me.

You need to start by going to


You will notice a menu bar at the top.  You need to go to the


menu and select

Java SE

from the drop down menu that appears.

The page that appears mostly relates to current updates rather than previous installs.  So while the Download tab is selected, you need to select the

Previous Releases

link in the menu bar just below it.

Most of the way down this page you have two links to choose from

J2SE 1.4.2 Downloads

J2SE 1.3.1 Downloads

You might as well select the version 1.4.2 downloads.

This will take you to a page that has quite a bit of clutter.  But you want to find the link just below the middle of the page that says

Download J2SE SDK

But you should also notice that the Installation Instructions are just below this link since we will need to return to this.

When you click on this link you get a number of different sorts of installations.  You most likely want to choose

Windows Offline Installation

which is around 50 MB.

I save this to its own directory close to the root in C:\downloads\java.  But you can likely save it to your desktop and execute it from there.  They are currently on version 13.  I have been told that version 13 is supposed to be cleaned up quite a bit over version 12.

Once this is saved on your hard drive you want to double click on the executable to get it to do a standard install.  This will put things in a number of different directories on a path from


where the 12 denotes the version number.

Now you want to go back to the page that contained the installation instructions.


Then select the Installation Instructions link to get to a page that gives you a little table with a variety of links to choose from.  You are likeliest working on a Windows based system so choose the link

J2SDK for Windows

You want to read through these instructions.

The biggest thing you need to watch for is to enable your compiler for Java to be easily accessible from any directory/folder on your computer.  What you do depends on whether you are running

  • Windows NT
    • Choose Start, Settings, Control Panel
    • Double Click on the System Icon
    • Choose the Environment Tab
  • Windows 2000
    • Choose Start, Control Panel
    • Double Click on the System Icon
    • Choose the Advanced Tab
    • Then click on the Environment Variables button
  • Windows XP
    • Choose Start, Control Panel
    • Double Click on the System Icon
    • Choose the Advanced Tab
    • Then click on the Environment Variables button


  • For all three approaches - look for Path in the System Variables and the User Variables.
  • Wherever it is edit it and append
    • C:\j2sdk1.4.2_13\bin
    • to the entries in the Path statement.
    • The 13 is the version number and might be different for your install
  • If you're not sure where to add it, then do it in the Path for the User Variables
  • Click Set, OK or Apply