

Introduction.  When we develop a GUI form we need some way to organize the components on the form.  The easiest way to do this is just add them to the form one after the other.  In swing this is called a FlowLayout.  They definitely aren't going to give the developer much, if any, control over the overall appearance of the GUI.  But they do provide something.

In this webpage we will also develop GUIs using both an applet and an application.  Developing GUIs with applications is slightly more difficult than it is for applets.  This is because the basic concept of an applet has it configured to run within a web browser which has all kinds of built-in GUI capabilities.

Neither of these programs will have the capacity to respond to any user inputs other than when they click on the close button of the GUI.  The capabilities to respond to other important user inputs is something we will develop in the next webpage.  Presently, I want to demonstrate a GUI layout to help you work towards developing your own more elaborate layouts.

Our first program is an applet called InTheFlow.java.


import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class InTheFlow extends JApplet

// graphical user interface components
JLabel lblOne, lblTwo;
JTextField txtOne, txtTwo;
JButton cmdPushMe;
JPanel panel;

// setup graphical user interface components
public void init( )

JPanel panel = new JPanel();
panel.setLayout( new FlowLayout() );

lblOne = new JLabel( "Read these words!" );
panel.add( lblOne );

txtOne = new JTextField( 10 );
panel.add( txtOne );

lblTwo = new JLabel( "Read more words!" );
panel.add( lblTwo );

txtTwo = new JTextField( 20 );
txtTwo.setEditable( false );
panel.add( txtTwo );

cmdPushMe = new JButton( "Push Me" );
panel.add( cmdPushMe );





This program does the following
  • imports both the swing and awt packages and all their classes
  • extends JApplet
  • declares the GUI components within the overall inclusive InTheFlow class so that they will be available in all other methods in the class
  • within the method init( )
    • initializes a panel to contain the components
    • assigns a FlowLayout to the panel
    • instantiates an object of the JLabel class called lblOne
      • its constructor contains a string  "Read these words!"
    • adds this label to the panel
    • instantiates an object of the JTextField class called txtOne
      • its constructor contains a number, 10, for its width
    • adds this text field to the panel
    • instantiates an object of the JLabel class called lblTwo
      • its constructor contains a string  "Read more words!"
    • adds this label to the panel
    • instantiates an object of the JTextField class called txtOne
      • its constructor contains a number, 10, for its width
      • sets its editable property to false
    • adds this text field to the panel
    • instantiates an object of the JButton class called cmdPushMe
      • its constructor contains a string  "Push Me"
    • adds this button to the panel
    • sets the overall content pane for the applet window to the panel

The following contains the HTML file.


<applet code="InTheFlow.class" width=300 height=100>


When this applet is run you should see the following on your screen.



So you can see the labels and text fields don't really line up together all that well.  You should try to adjust the size to see if you can get a better correspondence.

In addition, to see some of the inherent difficulties in this sort of layout, you should stretch the window somewhat to see something like the following.



You can see how the layout shifts.

So, FlowLayouts are the easiest to implement, and possibly practicable in some situations.  But, we will only make use of them intermittently and mostly when I don't want to distract your understanding of the code with other issues.

An Application Based GUI.  Now I want to run what should seem like almost the same program, but as an application.  We will discuss the code after presenting the code and running it.  You should call the file InTheFlowApp.java


import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class InTheFlowApp extends JFrame

// graphical user interface components
JLabel lblOne, lblTwo;
JTextField txtOne, txtTwo;
JButton cmdPushMe;
JPanel panel;

// setup graphical user interface components
public InTheFlowApp( )

super("Title For Frame");
JPanel panel = new JPanel();
panel.setLayout( new FlowLayout() );

lblOne = new JLabel( "Read these words!" );
panel.add( lblOne );

txtOne = new JTextField( 10 );
panel.add( txtOne );

lblTwo = new JLabel( "Read more words!" );
panel.add( lblTwo );

txtTwo = new JTextField( 20 );
txtTwo.setEditable( false );
panel.add( txtTwo );

cmdPushMe = new JButton( "Push Me" );
panel.add( cmdPushMe );


// end InTheFlowApp( )

public static void main(String[ ] args)

JFrame frame = new InTheFlowApp();
ExitWindow exit = new ExitWindow();

// end main( )

// end class InTheFlowApp

class ExitWindow extends WindowAdapter

public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)


// end windowClosing( )

// end class ExitWindow


If you run the program, the end result will look very little different from what was obtained using the applet.



The discussion of the code follows.  Make sure to focus on the differences between the applet and the application.
  • imports both the swing and awt packages and all their classes but also imports the awt.event classes
    • the awt.event classes need to be imported because
      • we need to have the form listen for someone clicking on the little x that tells the program to close
      • we need the code that should execute when the user clicks on the close button
      • these are the sorts of things that are automatically available when working with applets
  • extends JFrame
  • declares the GUI components within the overall inclusive InTheFlowApp class so that they will be available in all other methods in the class
  • within the method InTheFlowApp( ), which is actually the constructor for the overall inclusive class and wasn't needed in the applet and which must have the same name as its overall inclusive class
    • sets the title
    • sets the size
    • initializes a panel to contain the components
    • assigns a FlowLayout to the panel
    • instantiates an object of the JLabel class called lblOne
      • its constructor contains a string  "Read these words!"
    • adds this label to the panel
    • instantiates an object of the JTextField class called txtOne
      • its constructor contains a number, 10, for its width
    • adds this text field to the panel
    • instantiates an object of the JLabel class called lblTwo
      • its constructor contains a string  "Read more words!"
    • adds this label to the panel
    • instantiates an object of the JTextField class called txtOne
      • its constructor contains a number, 10, for its width
      • sets its editable property to false
    • adds this text field to the panel
    • instantiates an object of the JButton class called cmdPushMe
      • its constructor contains a string  "Push Me"
    • adds this button to the panel
    • sets the overall content pane for the applet window to the panel
    • end this InTheFlowApp( ) constructor
  • within the method main( ) which wasn't needed in the applet
    • instantiate/construct a JFrame object of type InTheFlowApp( )
    • instantiate/construct an ExitWindow object called exit
    • add the capability for the application to listen for the user to click on the overall frame based on the object exit of the ExitWindow class
    • cause the frame to display using the show( ) method from the JFrame class
    • end the method main( )
  • end the overall inclusive class InTheFlowApp


  • start a new class to deal with the user trying to close the frame/window called ExitWindow that extends the java awt.event class WindowAdapter
  • create a method called windowClosing( ) that responds to the user clicking on the close button on the frame
    • within this method we tell the program to System.exit(0) when the user clicks on the  close button

Notice how when you compile the InTheFlowApp program, you get a class called InTheFlowApp.class but you also get a class called ExitWindow.class.