Some Basic GUI Components


Introduction.  In the previous webpage I discussed how we will make use of several components for user interactions.  While these are definitely the most basic and we will do several others in the future, we need to start someplace.  

To review quickly, this webpage will have a section on each of the following components.

  • JLabel
  • JTextField
  • JTextArea
  • JButton

We won't actually implement any code in this webpage.  Here we describe some general background that you should be able to use as a reference during the rest of the course.

JLabel.  JLabels are from the swing package and can be used to present the user some informative text or icon.  They have JComponent as a parent class, which essentially means they extend JComponent.  Labels can be created/constructed/instantiated using the JLabel class.  These labels cannot be directly edited by the user.  Though you could write code to get inputs from the user that modify the JLabel.

The three most frequently used constructors are

  • JLabel(String text)
    • a label that displays the String
  • JLabel(String text, int horizontalAlignment)
    • a label that displays the String
    • a label that has a particular alignment specified by the int
      • SwingConstants.LEFT
      • SwingConstants.CENTER
      • SwingConstants.RIGHT
  • JLabel(String text, Icon image, int horizontalAlignment)
    • a label that displays the String
    • a label that display the specified icon
    • a label that has a particular alignment specified by the int
      • SwingConstants.LEFT
      • SwingConstants.CENTER
      • SwingConstants.RIGHT

A constructor is used to create the initial settings of the JLabel.  Some examples follow.

  • JLabel arrivalRate = new JLabel("Please enter the arrival rate")
  • JLabel someWords = new JLabel("Some Words", SwingConstants.RIGHT)

If no alignment constant is specified the default is to have the label be centered.

While there are quite a few other methods available, the programmer is more likely to make use of the following to work with JLabels.

  • labelName.setText(String)
    • sets the displayed text to String
  • labelName.setIcon(Icon)
    • sets the displayed icon to Icon
  • labelName.getText( )
    • gets the displayed text
  • labelName.getIcon(Icon)
    • gets the displayed icon
  • labelName.setFont( new Font("fontName", Fonts.PLAIN, numberForSize) );
    • obviously things like BOLD and others can be used for the font
  • labelName.setBackground(;
    • can use standard color names
    • allows for use of RGB colors
  • labelName.setForeground(Color.yellow);
    • can use standard color names
    • allows for use of RGB colors

For future reference you should notice that these are examples of what can well be called get and set methods.  Developing classes that increase functionality through get and set methods is very important in many people's views of class and object oriented programming.

In order to set an Icon you need to first instantiate one.  Typical lines of code used to implement an icon when first developing the GUI follow..

Icon imageForLabel = new ImageIcon("tool.gif");
JLabel lblTool = new JLabel("The Ultimate Tool", imageForLabel, SwingConstants.LEFT);

In order to implement an icon later in the code you need to do something like the following.

Icon imageForLabel = new ImageIcon("tool.gif");
lblTool.setIcon( imageForLabel );

You can also enable and/or disable images using the following code

lblTool.setDisabledIcon( imageForLabel );

There are plenty of other methods that are best surveyed in other sources such as

A diagram representing the class and inheritance (extends) hierarchy follows.  This will make more and more sense as we progress through the semester.  Notice the class hierarchy to JComponent.  Most of our subsequent hierarchy diagrams will omit everything above JComponent.



JTextField.  JTextFields are also form the swing package.  They also have JComponent as a parent class just like JLabel.  This implies that many of the same methods that work with JLabel work with JTextField.

By their basic nature and by default, a JTextField can accept input from a user.  Though they can be configured so that the user cannot edit them.

The basic constructors follow.

  • JTextField( )
    • an empty text field
  • JTextField(int characterWidth)
    • an empty text field of a specified width
  • JTextField(String text, int characterWidth)
    • a text field of a specified width
    • containing the string text

Some examples follow.

  • JTextField txtName = new JTextField(30);
  • JTextField name = new JTextField("Ferd Berful", 30);

Some other methods that we are likely to use follow.

  • txtName.setText(String)
    • sets the displayed text to String
  • txtName.getText( )
    • gets the displayed text from the JTextField
  • txtName.setEditable( boolean )
    • developer can change whether or not a user can write in the text field
      • true
      • false
  • txtName.setBounds(

The following diagram represents the class hierarchy for JTextFields.  It hints at the large variety of other options for GUI components.



JTextArea.  JTextAreas are something we have already worked with a little bit.  They are apparent in the diagram above as a child of JTextComponent, lateral to JTextField, in the GUI component hierarchy.

The following bulleted list represents the constructor arguments that we will make use of.  There are a couple more that make use of developer designed document models.  But these are not where I want to take this course.

  • JTextArea( )
    • instantiates a JTextArea without pre-specified size or contents
  • JTextArea( String text )
    • instantiates a JTextArea without pre-specified size
    • instantiates a JTextArea with the text contents
  • JTextArea( int rows, int columns )
    • instantiates a JTextArea with the pre-specified size
  • JTextArea( String text, int rows, int columns )
    • instantiates a JTextArea with the pre-specified size
    • instantiates a JTextArea with the text contents

Some examples follow.

  • JTextArea txtFillIn = new JTextArea( );
  • JTextArea txtStory = new JTextArea("Cry me a river", 10, 30);

Some other methods that we are likely to use follow.

  • txtarName.setText(String)
    • sets the displayed text to String
  • txtarName.getText( )
    • gets the displayed text from the JTextArea
  • txtarName.getSelectedText( )
    • gets the selected text from the JTextArea
  • txtarName.append(String)
    • appends the string at the end of the current location
  • txtarName.insert(String, int position)
    • inserts the string at the indicated position
  • txtarName.setLineWrap(boolean)
    • determines whether automatic line wrap will occur
      • true
      • false
  • txtarName.setWrapStyleWord(boolean)
    • determines where automatic line wrap goes to the next line
      • true - keeps words contiguous
      • false - breaks line at character

While there is much more that can be said about JTextAreas, the uses become increasingly obscure and infrequent.

JButton.  The last class we will present in this page has to do with developing command buttons.  We will most often use these as an interface component that the user can click on in order to cause some sort of program execution to occur. 

These are essentially push buttons as opposed to things like radio buttons, toggle buttons and check boxes.  The following diagram represents the class hierarchy branching off of JComponent.



While there are other AbstractButtons, the JToggleButton in particular, this should give you some sense of how different classes are used to develop other classes.  Think about the properties and methods that are likeliest to be common to all of these less abstract buttons.  It helps you understand why the developers of Java wanted one set of things that they wouldn't have to redevelop for each implementation or type of button.  Much more about this when we get to classes and objects in the last five  weeks of the semester.

Now back to JButton.  JButton has four basic constructors that we are likeliest to use.

  • JButton( )
    • instantiates a JButton without any image or text
  • JButton( String text )
    • instantiates a JButton with the specified text
  • JButton( Icon image )
    • instantiates a JButton with the specified image
  • JButton( String text, Icon image )
    • instantiates a JButton with the specified text
    • instantiates a JButton with the specified image

Some examples follow.

  • JButton cmdExecute = new JButton( );
  • JButton cmdExecute = new JButton("Calculate Results");

It will almost always be the case that we will need to implement some additional features in order to get our GUIs to recognize user interactions.  This will not occur for two more webpages.

The next webpage will give an example of an applet and an application that construct a GUI based on these components.  It won't have hardly any functionality.  The functionality will be added later as we present more classes and methods.