Using Session Variables for Comparing Times


Introduction.  Now we will develop two fairly simple PHP files.  The first will set the current time into a session variable.  This information will then be posted to another page that displays the session variable for when this process started and the current time.

This just demonstrates how a session variable stays the same unless it is reassigned.

The first page should be called current_time_session.php.


<title>Setting the Current Time to a Session Variable</title>

$_SESSION["session_start_time"] = date('H:i:s A');
<center><h2>The time at the start of the session was
<?php echo $_SESSION["session_start_time"]; ?>
<p>please wait some time<br>before pressing the button</p>
<form action="current_time_compare.php" method="post">
<input type="submit" value="Get Current Time" style="font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold">


Notice how the session variable is set and displayed.  You should wait some time before posting to the next page which should be called current_time_compare.php.


<title>Comparing the Current Time to a Session Variable</title>

$current_time = date('H:i:s A');
<center><h2>The time at the start of the session was
echo $_SESSION["session_start_time"];
<p>The current time is <?php echo $current_time; ?></p>


This illustrates how the session variable is retained.