Input Validation


Introduction.  Whenever you are obtaining inputs from a user it is essential to have input validation.  Since I am more inclined to use JavaScript for this since it is done on the client side before the inputs are even submitted, we will not get into great depth on this topic in PHP.  Regular expressions, common to a number of languages at least in concept, can greatly ease the efforts towards getting input validation.

The following is a list of some different purposes for getting input validation.

  • making sure certain entries are non-blank
  • making sure numeric entries are numbers
  • making sure dates are dates
  • making certain that particular data types are appropriate in general
  • making sure things like e-mail addresses have certain minimal structures
  • making sure other sorts of structured entries have certain patterns such as
    • telephone
    • zip code
    • social security numbers
    • state abbreviations
    • on and on

While there are any number of reasons to engage in preprocessing to help ensure inputs are valid, we will quickly present a few strategies that are often used.

  • marking required inputs
  • using select boxes with preset options
  • using radio buttons that are grouped
    • these might be initialized in a way where the user is leveraged to change them
  • using check boxes
  • formatting text boxes in certain ways to ensure that only certain characters are typed

Again, there are many other approaches to doing these sorts of things.

In this page we will focus on what is essentially testing only for whether or not particular entries have blanks or appropriate length.  These will be done with two different built in functions.

  • isset( )
  • strlen( )

We will work with a fairly simple form of text boxes and text areas, though this can be easily elaborated on.  You should call the form page inputs.html.


<title>HTML Form</title>

<body bgcolor = "664500" text="cccccc">
<form action="handle_inputs.php" method=post>
<td><font size = 4 color=cccccc>First Name:</font>
<td><input type=text name="txtFirstName" size=20>
<td><font size = 4 color=cccccc>Last Name:</font>
<td><input type=text name="txtLastName" size=20>
<td><font size = 4 color=cccccc>EMail Address:</font>
<td><input type=text name="txtEMail" size=50>
<td><font size = 4>Comments:</font>
<td><textarea name="tareaComments" rows = 5 columns = 20></textarea>
<td colspan = 2 align = center><input type = submit name="submit" value="submit">


You should call the processing script handle_inputs.php.


<title>Displaying the Inputted Information</title>

// obtaining the information from the form and displaying it
if (isset($txtFirstName))

if (strlen($txtFirstName) > 0)

print "Your first name is <b>$txtFirstName </b><BR>\n";


print "Your first name was set as <b>an empty string</b><BR>\n";



print "Your first name <b>wasn't set </b><BR>\n";

if (isset($txtLastName))

if (strlen($txtLastName) > 0)

print "Your last name is <b>$txtLastName </b><BR>\n";


print "Your last name was set as <b>an empty string</b><BR>\n";



print "Your last name <b>wasn't set </b><BR>\n";

if (isset($txtEMail))

if (strlen($txtEMail) > 0)

print "Your e-mail address is <b>$txtEMail </b><BR>\n";


print "Your e-mail address was set as <b>an empty string</b><BR>\n";



print "Your e-mail address <b>wasn't set </b><BR>\n";


print "Your comments are <b>$tareaComments </b><BR>\n";


Try leaving entries blank and/or putting in blanks to see how the script processes your inputs.  You should also try a variety of other types of inputs.

isset( ) tests whether a variable has a value, but not whether it is NULL or FALSE.