The ASPs for the Shopping Experience


Introduction.  Considering that we just got SQL Server up and running and accessible from ASPs I am going to bust my butt to get the following pages completed.  We are likely to only get through developing the pages associated with the shopping experience.  I suspect you will feel that the 25 or so ASP pages we develop will be quite a learning experience.


ASP Name Description Section
Footer.asp This is included at the bottom of every display page.  It provides the closing structure for the navigation and primary content area. Building the User Interface
Chapter 6
Header.asp This is included at the top of every display page.  It provides the navigation structure. Building the User Interface
Chapter 6
AddItem.asp Adds items to the shopping basket when the user selects an item to be added. Making the Shopping Basket
Chapter 7
Basket.asp Displays all of the items in the user's shopping basket. Making the Shopping Basket
Chapter 7
Confirmed.asp Provides a confirmation message and thank you when a shopper has completed an order. Making the Check Out Pages
Chapter 8
Default.asp The store home page. Building the User Interface
Chapter 6
DeleteItem.asp Deletes an item from the shopping cart. Making the Shopping Basket
Chapter 7
Dept.asp Lists all the departments in the store Building the User Interface
Chapter 6
EmailPassword.asp E-mails the profile password related to the specified profile e-mail address. Order Status and Profile Management
Chapter 9
EmptyBasket.asp Empties all items from the shopping basket. Making the Shopping Basket
Chapter 7
Global.asa An important application level file that is executed each time a new application or session or started. Building the User Interface
Chapter 6
OrderHistoryDisplay.asp Displays the order history of the customer. Order Status and Profile Management
Chapter 9
OrderReceipt.asp Displays an on-screen order receipt. Making the Check Out Pages
Chapter 8
OrderStatus.asp Login page for the shopper order history Order Status and Profile Management
Chapter 9
Payment.asp Provides data input for the shopper's billing information Making the Check Out Pages
Chapter 8
Product.asp Displays information on a specified product. Building the User Interface
Chapter 6
Products.asp Displays all of the products in the specified department. Building the User Interface
Chapter 6
Profile.asp Login page for the shopper to retrieve and edit their profile. Order Status and Profile Management
Chapter 9
ProfileDisplay.asp Displays the profile data for the specified shopper. Order Status and Profile Management
Chapter 9
Search.asp Provides search capabilities for finding products in the database. Building the User Interface
Chapter 6
Shipping.asp Provides data input for the shipping information of the order. Making the Check Out Pages
Chapter 8
UpdateBasket.asp Updates the shopper basket items with the specified new quantities. Making the Shopping Basket
Chapter 7
UpdateProfile.asp Updates the shopper's profile. Order Status and Profile Management
Chapter 9
ValidatePayment.asp Validates the payment data entered by the shopper. Making the Check Out Pages
Chapter 8
ValidateShipping.asp Validates the shipping data entered by the shopper. Making the Check Out Pages
Chapter 8



Now we want to describe some important aspects of the shopper's experience at our web site.  This portrayal will definitely impact our design.
The first thing that needs to happen is the shopper needs to discover our store and start to browse.  Hopefully, this will include making use of search pages or indexes to help them find products.

We also hope that they will add some of the products to their shopping basket for purchasing.  We need to make sure they can select and modify their selections.

If they leave without buying anything we may want to have information for their next visit.

If they purchase something we need to make sure we confirm their order and initiate filling the order.


There are several things about the shopper's experience we want to make sure happen.
  • We do not want the shopper to be able to access payment or shiping pages unless they have placed an order.
  • We need to make sure we have all the information necessary to collect payment and ship the order.
  • We want to maintain an on-line profile of the shopper for a large variety of reasons.
  • We need to be able to maintain state about the user during their shopping experience and probably identify them in the future.  This is likely to occur with some sort of profile.  For example,
    • We don't want the shopper to have to repeatedly enter all of their payment and shipping information.
    • We want to maintain information on each buyer for marketing research.