<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<!-- ProfileDisplay.asp - Displays the shoppers profile.
<!-- #include file="include/header.asp" -->
' Create an ADO database connection
set dbProfile = server.createobject("adodb.connection")
' Create the record set
set rsProfile = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
' Open the connection using our SQl Server DSN-less connection string
dbProfile.ConnectionString="Driver={SQL Server}; Server=cisdev.quinnipiac.edu;" & _
"Database=WildWillies;UID=cis; PWD=csatqu"
' Check to see if we have a parameter on the URL.
' Parameters will be on the URL if we are sending
' the shopper back because of errors in the profile.
' If so, then the username and password will be
' retrieved from session variables.
if request("check") = "1" then
' Retrieve the values
email = session("email")
password = session("password")
' Otherwise we retrieve the values from the profile form.
email = request("email")
password = request("password")
end if
' Build the SQL stored procedure to retrieve the profile
' based on the email and password
sql = "execute sp_RetrieveProfile '" & email & _
"', '" & password & "'"
' Execute the statement
set rsProfile = dbProfile.Execute(sql)
' Check to see if a profile was returned
if rsProfile.EOF then
<!-- If nothing is returned then we notify the user -->
Sorry, that email and password is incorrect.
Click <a href="profile.asp">here</a> to try again.<BR><BR>
If you have forgotten your password, enter in your email
address to have your password emailed to you.<BR><BR>
<!-- Display a form that will email the password to the user if it has been forgotten -->
<form method="post" action="emailpassword.asp">
Email Address: <input type="text" value="" name="email"><BR><BR>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" name="submit">
' Set the shopper value so the profile can be later retrieved.
session("idShopper") = rsProfile("idShopper")
' Set the profile retrieve to 0.
session("ProfileRetrieve") = "0"
<!-- Display the profile. -->
<B>Edit your profile below:</b><BR><BR>
<!-- Form to post the changes -->
<form method="post" action="UpdateProfile.asp">
<!-- Table to display the profile data -->
<!-- First Name -->
<td align="right">First Name:</td>
<input type="text" value="<%=rsProfile("chrFirstName")%>"
<!-- Last Name -->
<td align="right">Last Name:</td>
<input type="text" value="<%=rsProfile("chrLastName")%>"
<!-- Address -->
<td align="right">Address:</td>
<input type="text" value="<%=rsProfile("chrAddress")%>"
<!-- City -->
<td align="right">City:</td>
<input type="text" value="<%=rsProfile("chrCity")%>"
<!-- State -->
<td align="right">State:</td>
' Check to see which state was selected previously if there was an error.
if rsProfile("chrState") = "AL" then
SelAL = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "AK" then
SelAK = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "AZ" then
SelAZ = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "AR" then
SelAR = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "CA" then
SelCA = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "CT" then
SelCT = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "CO" then
SelCO = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "DC" then
SelDC = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "DE" then
SelDE = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "FL" then
SelFL = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "GA" then
SelGA = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "HI" then
SelHI = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "ID" then
SelID = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "IL" then
SelIL = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "IN" then
SelIN = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "IA" then
SelIA = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "KS" then
SelKS = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "KY" then
SelKY = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "LA" then
SelLA = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "ME" then
SelME = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "MA" then
SelMA = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "MD" then
SelMD = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "MI" then
SelMI = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "MN" then
SelMN = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "MS" then
SelMS = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "MO" then
SelMO = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "MT" then
SelMT = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "NE" then
SelNE = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "NV" then
SelNV = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "NH" then
SelNH = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "NJ" then
SelNJ = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "NM" then
SelNM = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "NY" then
SelNY = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "NC" then
SelNC = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "ND" then
SelND = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "OH" then
SelOH = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "OK" then
SelOK = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "OR" then
SelOR = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "PA" then
SelPA = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "RI" then
SelRI = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "SC" then
SelSC = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "SD" then
SelSD = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "TN" then
SelTN = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "TX" then
SelTX = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "UT" then
SelUT = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "VT" then
SelVT = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "VA" then
SelVA = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "WY" then
SelWY = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "WI" then
SelWI = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "WV" then
SelWV = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "WA" then
SelWA = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrState") = "FSO" then
SelFSO = "Selected"
end if
<!-- State select box. -->
<select name="chrState">
<option value="">Select a State
<option value="AL" <%=SelAL%>>Alabama
<option value="AK" <%=SelAK%>>Alaska
<option value="AZ" <%=SelAZ%>>Arizona
<option value="AR" <%=SelAR%>>Arkansas
<option value="CA" <%=SelCA%>>California
<option value="CT" <%=SelCT%>>Connecticut
<option value="CO" <%=SelCO%>>Colorado
<option value="DC" <%=SelDC%>>D.C.
<option value="DE" <%=SelDE%>>Delaware
<option value="FL" <%=SelFL%>>Florida
<option value="GA" <%=SelGA%>>eorgia
<option value="HI" <%=SelHI%>>Hawaii
<option value="ID" <%=SelID%>>Idaho
<option value="IL" <%=SelIL%>>Illinois
<option value="IN" <%=SelIN%>>Indiana
<option value="IA" <%=SelIA%>>Iowa
<option value="KS" <%=SelKS%>>Kansas
<option value="KY" <%=SelKY%>>Kentucky
<option value="LA" <%=SelLA%>>Louisiana
<option value="ME" <%=SelME%>>Maine
<option value="MA" <%=SelMA%>>Massachusetts
<option value="MD" <%=SelMD%>>Maryland
<option value="MI" <%=SelMI%>>Michigan
<option value="MN" <%=SelMN%>>Minnesota
<option value="MS" <%=SelMS%>>Mississippi
<option value="MO" <%=SelMO%>>Missouri
<option value="MT" <%=SelMT%>>Montana
<option value="NE" <%=SelNE%>>Nebraska
<option value="NV" <%=SelNV%>>Nevada
<option value="NH" <%=SelNH%>>New Hampshire
<option value="NJ" <%=SelNJ%>>New Jersey
<option value="NM" <%=SelNM%>>New Mexico
<option value="NY" <%=SelNY%>>New York
<option value="NC" <%=SelNC%>>North Carolina
<option value="ND" <%=SelND%>>North Dakota
<option value="OH" <%=SelOH%>>Ohio
<option value="OK" <%=SelOK%>>Oklahoma
<option value="OR" <%=SelOR%>>Oregon
<option value="PA" <%=SelPA%>>Pennsylvania
<option value="RI" <%=SelRI%>>Rhode Island
<option value="SC" <%=SelSC%>>South Carolina
<option value="SD" <%=SelSD%>>South Dakota
<option value="TN" <%=SelTN%>>Tennessee
<option value="TX" <%=SelTX%>>Texas
<option value="UT" <%=SelUT%>>Utah
<option value="VT" <%=SelVT%>>Vermont
<option value="VA" <%=SelVA%>>Virginia
<option value="WA" <%=SelWA%>>Washington
<option value="WY" <%=SelWY%>>Wyoming
<option value="WI" <%=SelWI%>>Wisconsin
<option value="WV" <%=SelWV%>>West Virginia
<OPTION value="FSO" <%=SelFSO%>>Military Stuff
<!-- Province input -->
or Province:<input type="text" value="<%=rsProfile("chrProvince")%>"
name="chrProvince" size="15">
<!-- Country -->
<td align="right">Country:</td>
' Check to see which country was selected previously if there was an error.
if rsProfile("chrCountry") = "US" then
SelUS = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrCountry") = "CA" then
SelCA = "Selected"
end if
if rsProfile("chrCountry") = "MX" then
SelMX = "Selected"
end if
<!-- Country select box -->
<select name="chrCountry">
<option value="">Select a Country
<option value="US" <%=SelUS%>>United States
<option value="CA" <%=SelCA%>>Canada
<option value="MX" <%=SelMX%>>Mexico
<!-- Zip Code -->
<td align="right">Zip/Postal Code:</td>
<input type="text" value="<%=rsProfile("chrZipCode")%>"
<!-- Phone -->
<td align="right">Phone:</td>
<input type="text" value="<%=rsProfile("chrPhone")%>"
<!-- Fax -->
<td align="right">Fax:</td>
<input type="text" value="<%=rsProfile("chrFax")%>" name="chrFax">
<!-- Email -->
<td align="right">Email:</td>
<input type="text" value="<%=rsProfile("chrEmail")%>" name="chrEmail">
<!-- Password -->
<td align="right">Password:</td>
<input type="password" value="<%=rsProfile("chrPassword")%>"
<!-- Option to save the profile as a cookie -->
<td align="right">Save Profile Cookie?:</td>
' Default the cookie based on the previous selection.
if rsProfile("intCookie") = 1 then
YesChecked = "CHECKED"
NoChecked = "CHECKED"
end if
<!-- Radio button input for defaulting a cookie
with the shopper ID -->
<input type="radio" value="1" name="intCookie" <%=YesChecked%>> Yes
<input type="radio" value="0" name="intCookie" <%=NoChecked%>> No
<!-- Submit Button -->
<td colspan="2" align="center">
<input type="hidden" name="idShopper"
<input type="submit" value="Submit" name="Submit">
end if
<!-- #include file="include/footer.asp" -->