Making Payment During the Check Out Process


Introduction.  Now we need to develop an ASP that will be used for making payments.  The file will be called Payment.asp.  This will be presented after discussing stored procedures.

We will need two stored procedures to determine the quantity in the basket and the sub total for the basket called sp_BasketQuantity and sp_BasketSubTotal.  The following table displays the name of each stored procedure and the ASP file in which it is called.


Stored Procedure ASP Container





The Stored Procedure.  Now I will list out each stored procedure that you should create using SQL and ASPs pretty much exactly like we have for the other stored procedures.  This first file should be called sp_BasketQuantity.asp.
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<% Option Explicit %>
<!--#include File=""-->

' Open a connection to our SQL Server database
' We will use the ADO Driver connection

Dim connfoxFire, strSQLCreate
Set connfoxFire = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
connfoxFire.ConnectionString="Driver={SQL Server};;" & _
"Database=YourUserName;UID=cis; PWD=csatqu"


' Creating the SQL String to create the stored procedure
strSQLCreate = "CREATE PROCEDURE sp_BasketQuantity @idBasket int AS " & _
"select quantity=sum(intQuantity) from basketitem where idBasket = @idBasket"


Set connfoxFire = Nothing

Response.Write "<font size = 5>The SQL has executed</font>"




This second file should be called sp_BasketSubTotal.asp.
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<% Option Explicit %>
<!--#include File=""-->

' Open a connection to our SQL Server database
' We will use the ADO Driver connection

Dim connfoxFire, strSQLCreate
Set connfoxFire = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
connfoxFire.ConnectionString="Driver={SQL Server};;" & _
"Database=YourUserName;UID=cis; PWD=csatqu"


' Creating the SQL String to create the stored procedure
strSQLCreate = "CREATE PROCEDURE sp_BasketSubTotal @idBasket int AS " & _
"select subtotal=sum(intQuantity * intPrice) from basketitem where idBasket = @idBasket"


Set connfoxFire = Nothing

Response.Write "<font size = 5>The SQL has executed</font>"



Like all of the other ASPs based on CREATE SQL commands, these files need to be uploaded to your web and then executed once.  After they have been executed, you should get an error if you try to execute them again because the stored procedures should already be there.  After these sp_name.asp files have been used they should be removed from your space on the server.


The Payment.asp.  Since we have just created the stored procedures required for this ASP we can now make use of them.  There is a fair amount of error checking for routing errors at the beginning of this ASP.  This is important because someone may have inadvertently clicked a link.  The following Payment.asp will 
  1. Check to make sure the user is arriving at this page from either the Shipping.asp, ValidatePayment.asp or the Payment.asp itself.
  2. Then the program opens a connection to the database to get the order subtotal using sp_BasketSubTotal and the total order quantity using sp_BasketQuantity.
  3. If this total order quantity isn't greater than 0 then the shopper is sent back to the Basket.asp.
  4. Then the shipping is calculated.
  5. Then the tax is calculated.
  6. Then the form is developed for completing the payment process.  Aspects of the shopping basket and money totals are displayed.
  7. Now the part of the form for obtaining the shopper's credit card information is developed.  This form includes the possibility that a shopper is making a return visit due to entry errors and we want to feedback their previous entries in the form.  There is a section for
    1. card number
    2. card type
    3. month of expiration
    4. year of expiration
  8. Next we have some space to give the shopper feedback about any entry errors they have made so that they were returned to the form.
  9. Now we get the billing address which is defaulted to entries from the shipping page or entries previously entered when filling out this page.  All of the bells and whistles to ensure accurate address information are used just like they were in the Shipping.asp.
  10. Finally we give the shopper some options for saving their profile information to a cookie and/or giving password validation for future access.
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
' ****************************************************
' Payment.asp - The shopper will enter in their
' payment information including credit card data.
' ****************************************************

' Check to ensure that the user only came to this page from the 
' shipping page, validate payment page (back button or error), or a refresh
' of this page. We utilize the ServerVariables to read the HTTP header.

if instr(lcase(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")), "shipping.asp") = 0 and _
instr(lcase(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")), "validatepayment.asp") = 0 and _
instr(lcase(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")), "payment.asp") = 0 then 

' Send the user back to the basket
Response.Redirect "basket.asp"

end if

' Create an ADO database connection
set dbBasket = server.createobject("adodb.connection")

' Create the record set
set rsBasket = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")

' Open the connection using our SQL Server DSN-less connection string
dbBasket.ConnectionString="Driver={SQL Server};;" & _
"Database=WildWillies;UID=cis; PWD=csatqu"


' Build the SQL stored procedure to retrieve the basket subtotal
sql = "execute sp_BasketSubtotal " & session("idBasket")

' Execute the statement
set rsBasket = dbBasket.Execute(sql)

' Retrieve the subtotal and store in a session variable.
SubTotal = rsBasket("subtotal")
session("Subtotal") = Subtotal

' Now build a query to retrieve the basket quantity
sql = "execute sp_BasketQuantity " & session("idBasket")

' Execute the statement
set rsBasket = dbBasket.Execute(sql)

' Check the quantity returned from the database
if rsBasket("quantity") > 0 then 

' The snippet will calculate the appropriate shipping
' within Payment.asp. The amount is based on the quantity of items in the order.

' Create an ADO database connection

set dbShipping = server.createobject("adodb.connection")

' Create the record set
set rsShipping = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")

' Open the connection
dbShipping.ConnectionString = "Driver={SQL Server};;" & _
"Database=WildWillies;UID=cis; PWD=csatqu"


' Declare the SQL statement
strSQL = "execute sp_GetShippingRate"

' Retrieve the record set
Set rsShipping = dbShipping.Execute(strSQL)

' Start out with a shipping rate of $0
Shipping = 0

' Loop through the quantity settings
Do Until rsShipping.EOF

' Check to see if the quantity is between the current low and high values
If rsBasket("quantity") >= rsShipping("intLowQuantity") And _ 
rsBasket("quantity") <= rsShipping("intHighQuantity") Then

' If so set the shipping fee.
Shipping = rsShipping("intFee")

End If
' Move to the next row



' Redirect to the basket page since the quantity is 0

end if

' Store the shipping value in a session variable
session("Shipping") = Shipping

' Store the quantity in a session variable
session("Quantity") = rsBasket("quantity")

' This tax snippet will be used in Payment.asp
' Create an ADO database connection

set dbTax = server.createobject("adodb.connection")

' Create the record set
set rsTax = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")

' Open the DSN-less connection
dbTax.ConnectionString = "Driver={SQL Server};;" & _
"Database=WildWillies;UID=cis; PWD=csatqu"


' Creat the SQL statement and pass in the
' state to get the appropriate rate

strSQL = "execute sp_GetTaxRate '" & session("chrShipState") & "'"

' Get the record set.
Set rsTax = dbTax.Execute(strSQL)

' See if a rate was returned.
If rsTax.EOF = False Then

' Set the amount of tax.
Tax = (rsTax("fltTaxRate") * session("Subtotal"))


' Return no tax.
Tax = 0

End If
session("Tax") = Tax

' Calculate the total and store in a session variable.
Total = SubTotal + Shipping + Tax
session("Total") = Total



<!-- #include file="include/header.asp" -->


<font size="5"><b>Billing Information</b></font>

<b>Order Recap:</b>

<!-- Build a table to display the order total -->

<!-- Display the Subtotal -->
<td align="right">Subtotal:</td>
<td><%=formatcurrency(Subtotal/100, 2)%></td>

<!-- Display the Shipping Value -->
<td align="right">Shipping:</td>
<td><%=formatcurrency(Shipping/100, 2)%></td>

<!-- Display the Tax Value -->
<td align="right">Tax:</td>
<td><%=formatcurrency(Tax/100, 2)%></td>

<!-- Display the Total -->
<td align="right"><B>Total:</b></td>
<td><b><%=formatcurrency(Total/100, 2)%></b></td>


<!-- Enter in the credit card information -->
<b>Enter your Credit Card information:</b>

<!-- The form will post the data to the validate payment page -->
<form method="post" action="ValidatePayment.asp" id=form1 name=form1>

<!-- Table to display the credit card data -->

<!-- Name on credit card -->
<td align="right">Name on Card:</td>
<td><input type="text" value="<%=session("chrCCName")%>" 
name="chrCCName" size="55"></td>

<!-- Number on credit card -->
<td align="right">Card Number:</td>
<td><input type="text" value="<%=session("chrCCNumber")%>" 
name="chrCCNumber" size="55"></td>

<!-- Type of credit card -->
<td align="right">Card Type:</td>
<!-- Check to see which card was previously selected -->

' Check to see which card was selected previously
' if there was an error.

if session("chrCCType") = "Visa" then 
SelVisa = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrCCType") = "MasterCard" then 
SelMasterCard = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrCCType") = "Amex" then 
SelAmex = "Selected"
end if


<!-- Select box with the selected card defaulted -->
<select name="chrCCType">
<option value="Visa" <%=SelVisa%>>Visa
<option value="MasterCard" <%=SelMasterCard%>>Master Card
<option value="Amex" <%=SelAmex%>>American Express


' Check to see which month was selected previously
' if there was an error.

if session("chrCCExpMonth") = "1" then 
SelJan = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrCCExpMonth") = "2" then 
SelFeb = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrCCExpMonth") = "3" then 
SelMar = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrCCExpMonth") = "4" then 
SelApr = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrCCExpMonth") = "5" then 
SelMay = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrCCExpMonth") = "6" then 
SelJun = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrCCExpMonth") = "7" then 
SelJul = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrCCExpMonth") = "8" then 
SelAug = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrCCExpMonth") = "9" then 
SelSep = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrCCExpMonth") = "10" then 
SelOct = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrCCExpMonth") = "11" then 
SelNov = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrCCExpMonth") = "12" then 
SelDec = "Selected"
end if


<!-- Select option box to allow the user to select a card expiration month -->
<select name="chrCCExpMonth">
<option value="1" <%=SelJan%>>January
<option value="2" <%=SelFeb%>>February
<option value="3" <%=SelMar%>>March
<option value="4" <%=SelApr%>>April
<option value="5" <%=SelMay%>>May
<option value="6" <%=SelJun%>>June
<option value="7" <%=SelJul%>>July
<option value="8" <%=SelAug%>>August
<option value="9" <%=SelSep%>>September
<option value="10" <%=SelOct%>>October
<option value="11" <%=SelNov%>>November
<option value="12" <%=SelDec%>>December


' Check to see which year was selected previously if there was an error.
if session("chrCCExpYear") = "2004" then 
Sel2004 = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrCCExpYear") = "2005" then 
Sel2005 = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrCCExpYear") = "2006" then 
Sel2006 = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrCCExpYear") = "2007" then 
Sel2007 = "Selected"
end if


<!-- Option box to select the card expiration year -->
<select name="chrCCExpYear">
<option value="2004" <%=Sel2004%>>2004
<option value="2005" <%=Sel2005%>>2005
<option value="2006" <%=Sel2006%>>2006
<option value="2007" <%=Sel2007%>>2007




' Check to see if there was an error.
if session("Error") <> "" then

<!-- Diplay the error message -->
<b>You have an error in your billing form, 
please correct the data:</b><BR><BR>

<!-- Write out the error. -->
<td width="70">&nbsp;</td>

' Show the error.
session("Error") = ""



<b>Enter your billing address:</b>


end if



<!-- Table that will display the billing information -->
<!-- Billing first name -->
<td align="right">First Name:</td>
<td><input type="text" value="<%=session("chrBillFirstName")%>" 
name="chrBillFirstName" size="30"></td>
<!-- Billing last name -->
<td align="right">Last Name:</td>
<td><input type="text" value="<%=session("chrBillLastName")%>" 
name="chrBillLastName" size="30"></td>
<!-- Billing address -->
<td align="right">Address:</td>
<td><input type="text" value="<%=session("chrBillAddress")%>" 
name="chrBillAddress" size="30"></td>
<!-- Billing city -->
<td align="right">City:</td>
<td><input type="text" value="<%=session("chrBillCity")%>" 
name="chrBillCity" size="30"></td>
<!-- Billing state -->
<td align="right">State:</td>


' Check to see which state was selected previously
' if there was an error.

if session("chrBillState") = "AL" then 
SelAL = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "AK" then 
SelAK = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "AZ" then 
SelAZ = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "AR" then 
SelAR = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "CA" then 
SelCA = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "CT" then 
SelCT = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "CO" then 
SelCO = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "DC" then 
SelDC = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "DE" then 
SelDE = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "FL" then 
SelFL = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "GA" then 
SelGA = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "HI" then 
SelHI = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "ID" then 
SelID = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "IL" then 
SelIL = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "IN" then 
SelIN = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "IA" then 
SelIA = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "KS" then 
SelKS = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "KY" then 
SelKY = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "LA" then 
SelLA = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "ME" then 
SelME = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "MA" then 
SelMA = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "MD" then 
SelMD = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "MI" then 
SelMI = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "MN" then 
SelMN = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "MS" then 
SelMS = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "MO" then 
SelMO = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "MT" then 
SelMT = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "NE" then 
SelNE = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "NV" then 
SelNV = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "NH" then 
SelNH = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "NJ" then 
SelNJ = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "NM" then 
SelNM = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "NY" then 
SelNY = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "NC" then 
SelNC = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "ND" then 
SelND = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "OH" then 
SelOH = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "OK" then 
SelOK = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "OR" then 
SelOR = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "PA" then 
SelPA = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "RI" then 
SelRI = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "SC" then 
SelSC = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "SD" then 
SelSD = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "TN" then 
SelTN = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "TX" then 
SelTX = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "UT" then 
SelUT = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "VT" then 
SelVT = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "VA" then 
SelVA = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "WY" then 
SelWY = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "WI" then 
SelWI = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "WV" then 
SelWV = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillState") = "WA" then 
SelWA = "Selected"
end if

<!-- Option box to select the billing state -->
<select name="chrBillState">
<option value="">Select a State
<option value="AL" <%=SelAL%>>Alabama
<option value="AK" <%=SelAK%>>Alaska
<option value="AZ" <%=SelAZ%>>Arizona
<option value="AR" <%=SelAR%>>Arkansas
<option value="CA" <%=SelCA%>>California
<option value="CT" <%=SelCT%>>Connecticut
<option value="CO" <%=SelCO%>>Colorado
<option value="DC" <%=SelDC%>>D.C.
<option value="DE" <%=SelDE%>>Delaware
<option value="FL" <%=SelFL%>>Florida
<option value="GA" <%=SelGA%>>eorgia
<option value="HI" <%=SelHI%>>Hawaii
<option value="ID" <%=SelID%>>Idaho
<option value="IL" <%=SelIL%>>Illinois
<option value="IN" <%=SelIN%>>Indiana
<option value="IA" <%=SelIA%>>Iowa
<option value="KS" <%=SelKS%>>Kansas
<option value="KY" <%=SelKY%>>Kentucky
<option value="LA" <%=SelLA%>>Louisiana
<option value="ME" <%=SelME%>>Maine
<option value="MA" <%=SelMA%>>Massachusetts
<option value="MD" <%=SelMD%>>Maryland
<option value="MI" <%=SelMI%>>Michigan
<option value="MN" <%=SelMN%>>Minnesota
<option value="MS" <%=SelMS%>>Mississippi
<option value="MO" <%=SelMO%>>Missouri
<option value="MT" <%=SelMT%>>Montana
<option value="NE" <%=SelNE%>>Nebraska
<option value="NV" <%=SelNV%>>Nevada
<option value="NH" <%=SelNH%>>New Hampshire
<option value="NJ" <%=SelNJ%>>New Jersey
<option value="NM" <%=SelNM%>>New Mexico
<option value="NY" <%=SelNY%>>New York
<option value="NC" <%=SelNC%>>North Carolina
<option value="ND" <%=SelND%>>North Dakota
<option value="OH" <%=SelOH%>>Ohio
<option value="OK" <%=SelOK%>>Oklahoma
<option value="OR" <%=SelOR%>>Oregon
<option value="PA" <%=SelPA%>>Pennsylvania
<option value="RI" <%=SelRI%>>Rhode Island
<option value="SC" <%=SelSC%>>South Carolina
<option value="SD" <%=SelSD%>>South Dakota
<option value="TN" <%=SelTN%>>Tennessee
<option value="TX" <%=SelTX%>>Texas
<option value="UT" <%=SelUT%>>Utah
<option value="VT" <%=SelVT%>>Vermont
<option value="VA" <%=SelVA%>>Virginia
<option value="WA" <%=SelWA%>>Washington
<option value="WY" <%=SelWY%>>Wyoming
<option value="WI" <%=SelWI%>>Wisconsin
<option value="WV" <%=SelWV%>>West Virginia

<!-- Or allow the user to select a billing province -->
or Province:<input type="text" value="<%=session("chrBillProvince")%>" 
name="chrBillProvince" size="15">

<!-- Country selection -->
<td align="right">Country:</td>


' Check to see which country was selected previously
' if there was an error.

if session("chrBillCountry") = "US" then 
SelUS = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillCountry") = "CA" then 
SelCA = "Selected"
end if

if session("chrBillCountry") = "MX" then 
SelMX = "Selected"
end if


<!-- Option box for the billing country -->
<select name="chrBillCountry">
<option value="">Select a Country
<option value="US" <%=SelUS%>>United States
<option value="CA" <%=SelCA%>>Canada
<option value="MX" <%=SelMX%>>Mexico
<!-- Billing postal code -->
<td align="right">Zip/Postal Code:</td>
<td><input type="text" value="<%=session("chrBillZipCode")%>" 
name="chrBillZipCode" size="30"></td>
<!-- Billing phone number -->
<td align="right">Phone:</td>
<td><input type="text" value="<%=session("chrBillPhone")%>" 
name="chrBillPhone" size="30"></td>
<!-- Billing email address -->
<td align="right">Email:</td>
<td><input type="text" value="<%=session("chrBillEmail")%>" 
name="chrBillEmail" size="30"></td>
<!-- Cookie option to save the profile -->
<td align="right">Save Profile Cookie?</td>
' Check to see if a previous setting was selected.
if session("intCookie") = 1 then

YesChecked = "CHECKED"


NoChecked = "CHECKED"

end if

<!-- Radio boxes to select the cookie setting -->
<input type="radio" value="1" name="intCookie" 
<%=YesChecked%>> Yes
<input type="radio" value="0" name="intCookie" 
<%=NoChecked%>> No

<!-- Password field -->
<td align="right">Password for Shopper Profile:</td>
<td><input type="password" value="<%=session("chrPassword")%>" 
name="chrPassword" size="10"></td>
<!-- Submit button -->
<td colspan="2" align="center">
<input type="Submit" value="Submit" name="Submit">




<!-- #include file="include/footer.asp" -->



This ASP is one of the longest we have developed so far.  While the logic isn't that complicated, there is a lot of HTML code to make sure things are available in the form and to check whether controls have been filled in appropriately and to pull in things that were previously inputted.