The Tables for


Some Background.  For some background, the tables for turn out to really be quite simple.  When developing for the web, the most difficult work was in developing the interfaces for handling the sales and email list development.  Developing the slide shows was also somewhat involved, though not anywhere near as involved as for developing the interfaces for sales and email.  I won't go into more detail about this until after we've developed the client database, tables, forms and some queries and reports.

The entities we will focus on in this example are

  • customers for the email list
  • purchasers

These correspond to the tables in our relational database.  The attributes are also called fields.  A data dictionary lists all of the attributes and their data types for an entity.  In other words, it lists all the fields and their data types for a table in a relational database.

First we will delineate the fields we want for the e-mail list.

table: email_list

id_email_list autonumber
  fk_id_purchaser number
  first_name text
  middle_name text
  last_name text
  street_address text
  city text
  state text
  zipcode text
  phone_home text
  phone_business text
  phone_cell text
  email_address text


Notice that I have used text fields to contain things like zip codes, phone numbers and so on.  Number formats tend to be somewhat less reliable in a number of different settings and uses.  So it really is common practice to treat a fairly large variety of things we consider to be numbers as text within a database.

I have established id_email_list as the key.  It is a unique identifier for each row of the table.  As is fairly common practice, it is configured as an autonumber field so that each new entry will get a number one higher than the previous highest number.  In this sort of situation there is no reason to use something more uniquely associated with a user such as their social security number, which the customer shouldn't give to you anyway!

I have also included a field fk_id_purchaser.  This field will link back to the id_purchaser of purchasers that choose to be included on the email list in the purchasers table.

If this was a web database we would also need to include a password so that the user could access their own information.

You should also notice that I have configured that several "numbers" should be stored as text.  This makes the entries much more stable.  If you use numbers for things like phones or zipcodes you can get some undesired and inadvertent computations happening.

You should also notice that I have included quite a few fields you may not really feel are needed.  This is also fairly common practice.  It is much more difficult to collect more information at a later time and it is also more difficult to restructure a database and/or table after it has started being populated.  You can configure the programming code associated with your input forms to allow some fields to be left blank while others are required.

The data for the book purchasers will be largely similar, but we need to differentiate between shipping and billing information.


table: purchasers

id_purchaser autonumber
  bill_first_name text
  bill_middle_name text
  bill_last_name text
  bill_street_address text
  bill_city text
  bill_state text
  bill_zipcode text
  bill_phone_home text
  bill_phone_business text
  bill_phone_cell text
  bill_email_address text
  include_in_email_list yes/no
  bill_same_ship yes/no
  ship_first_name text
  ship_middle_name text
  ship_last_name text
  ship_street_address text
  ship_city text
  ship_state text
  ship_zipcode text
  ship_phone_home text
  ship_phone_business text
  ship_phone_cell text
  ship_email_address text
  date_of_purchase date/time
  amount currency


I have established id_email_list as the key.  It is a unique identifier for each row of the table.  As is fairly common practice, it is configured as an autonumber field so that each new entry will get a number one higher than the previous highest number.  In this sort of situation there is no reason to use something more uniquely associated with a user such as their social security number, which the customer shouldn't give to you anyway!

I have also included fields

  • include_in_email_list to denote whether this purchaser wants to be included in the email list
  • bill_same_ship to denote whether the billing information is the same as the shipping information

While we won't get into this until quite a bit later, you should think about how one might automatically include a purchaser in the email_list table if they check this box.  You should also think about how one can automatically fill in the shipping information to match the billing information if the purchaser checks that the billing and shipping info are the same.

Again, I have included quite a few fields that probably should be considered overkill.  What fields are actually required from the purchaser can be controlled by the programming controlling the form.